Mindful Touch with Added Sensation Can Be Erotic!

Interested in getting to know your sensual side more? Ever heard of body mapping? It's a useful exercise suggested by clinical sexologists to help romantic partners explore touching from head to toe with a partner (or it can just be yourself )... This can be a fantabulous way of getting to know yourself or partner sexually by becoming more familiar with the type of touch that gets them or yourself going...a very fun exercise that can involve an enhanced experience if lube, oils, and safer sex products were involved!
Check out this website link on Kandi Burruss' Bedroom Kandi products and stock up on some high quality sensual tools to help you navigate this sensuous affair...
Bedroom Kandi Link: www.bedroomkandi.com
(*Products consist of body safe materials including organic and vegan options: Paraben-free lubricants & lotions)